Yuval Peres' Presentations

Yuval’s Books

Game Theory, Alive

We live in a highly connected world with multiple self-interested agents interacting and myriad opportunities for conflict and cooperation. The goal of game theory is to understand these opportunities. This book presents a rigorous introduction to the mathematics of game theory without losing sight of the joy of the subject. This is done by focusing on theoretical highlights (e.g., at least six Nobel Prize winning results are developed from scratch) and by presenting exciting connections of game theory to other fields such as computer science..  Read More >>>

markov chains and mixing times

Markov Chains and Mixing Times

This book is an introduction to the modern theory of Markov chains, whose goal is to determine the rate of convergence to the stationary distribution, as a function of state space size and geometry. This topic has important connections to combinatorics, statistical physics, and theoretical computer science. Many of the techniques presented originate in these disciplines.The central tools for estimating convergence times, including coupling, strong stationary times, and spectral methods, are developed. The authors discuss many examples, including card..  Read More >>>

Probability on Trees ans Networks

Probability on Trees and Networks

Starting around the late 1950s, several research communities began relating the geometry of graphs to stochastic processes on these graphs. This book, twenty years in the making, ties together research in the field, encompassing work on percolation, isoperimetric inequalities, eigenvalues, transition probabilities, and random walks. Written by two leading researchers, the text emphasizes intuition, while giving complete proofs and more than 850 exercises. Many recent developments, in which the authors have played a leading role, are discussed..  Read More >>>

Zeros of Gaussian analytics

Zeros of Gaussian Analytic Functions and Determinantal Point Processes

The book examines in some depth two important classes of point processes, determinantal processes and “Gaussian zeros”, i.e., zeros of random analytic functions with Gaussian coefficients. These processes share a property of “point-repulsion”, where distinct points are less likely to fall close to each other than in processes, such as the Poisson..  Read More >>>

Fractals in Probability and Analysis

Fractals in Probability and Analysis

This is a mathematically rigorous introduction to fractals which emphasizes examples and fundamental ideas. Building up from basic techniques of geometric measure theory and probability, central topics such as Hausdorff dimension, self-similar sets and Brownian motion are introduced, as are more specialized topics, including Kakeya sets, capacity, percolation on trees and the traveling salesman theorem. The broad range of techniques presented enables key ideas to be highlighted, without the distraction of excessive technicalities. The authors incorporate some novel proofs which are simpler than those available elsewhere. Where possible, chapters are designed to be read indepe…  Read More >>>